Session log
This function lets you view the navigation log for all users connected to the hotspot.
The user, Mac Address used, connection location, session start, end and length and generated traffic is displayed for each session.
If the visited site log is enabled for the location, you can also view the list of url visited during the navigation session.
Displayed sessions can also be sorted by period, user type (registered or prepaid ticket) and connection location.
- Overview
- Features
- Registered users
- Navigation mode
- Prepaid tickets
- Rate plans
- Rates
- Users groups
- Connections monitor
- Locations
- Captive portal
- Themes
- Info Portal Wi-Fi
- Credit cards/PayPal payment
- WISP Capabilities
- Authentication without a browser
- SMS registration
- Facebook Login
- WiFi4EU
- Prepaid recharges
- Sessions archive
- Statistics
- Operators
- Checkout management
- Receipts
- Preferences
- SMS and EMail sending configuration
- Developers API