Registered users: the system is able to manage an unlimited list of registered users who have access to the hotspot. Personal data, the navigation method, rate plan, account expiration, etc. can be saved for each user.
Prepaid tickets: prepaid tickets are a practical and quick access system for non-registered users. Each ticket includes a printed 8-digit code that can be used instead of the Username/Password credentials to login to the system.
Navigation method and subscriptions: users who connect to WI-FI hotspots can navigate in six different ways: prepaid, post-paid, time subscription, traffic subscription, flat subscription and free.
Rates: two types of rates are supported: time and interval. In the time rate, navigation is charged by the second. For the interval rate, navigation is charged according to a certain time interval (which may also vary).
Rate plans: to apply navigation rates, My Wi-Fi Service uses a powerful system based on so-called "rate plans", similar to those used by phone providers, to set customer rates.
User groups: My Wi-Fi Service uses user groups to set how users connect to the system (login/password, mac-address) and their band restrictions, etc.
Connection management: the system lets you monitor all connected users for each hotspot location. The login date and time, duration, downloaded traffic, etc. are displayed.
Locations : a random number of hotspot locations can be managed under a single account, each with a different captive portal.
WISP/IPS Capabilities: PPPoE Server to handle authentication of routers or other CPE devices.
Visited site log: the visited site log can be enabled for each location. This way, the system saves a list of all sites visited by the customer during navigation for each navigation session.
Router status monitoring: each location router is constantly monitored. If down, a router can be directly rebooted by the application by sending a reboot command.
Prepaid rechareges: due to the use of prepaid recharges, customers can top-up their prepaid accounts without the need of a hotspot manager. The manager need only generate and sell prepaid recharges.
Info Portal Wi-Fi : in addition to the normal Wi-Fi network, the service is able to manage the other wireless networks whose aim is to show a small web site that provides you information of various kinds to users (tourist information, restaurant menus, etc.).
Credit card/PayPal top-ups and purchases: users who connect to the hotspot can purchase subscriptions, top-ups and prepaid tickets using a credit card or PayPal account on the captive portal.
Band restriction: band restriction, available for both download and upload, is an essential tool that allows you to best distribute available router band amongst connected users.
Mac address authentication: the system supports customer device Mac Address authentication (laptop, tablet, palmtop, etc.).
Automatic re-login: this system lets the customer re-login to the system within a certain amount of time without having to re-enter his/her credentials.
Acceptance of the conditions of use: this function allows you to display a text at first login with the conditions of use that must be accepted by the customer before starting navigation.
Login message: a message, such as an advertisement, deals, etc., can be displayed to the customer at each login.
Captive portal customization: the pages that allow system login, subscription and top-up purchases, etc. can be customized by selecting themes (skins), text and logos.
Registration via SMS and Web: registration via SMS (or web) allows the customer to register with the system without the need of a hotspot operator.
Login via Facebook: Allows users to access the hotspot using a Facebook account, and at the same time allowing you to advertise your business on Facebook activated.
Credit display pop-up: during navigation, customers can always keep their credit balance, navigation time, etc. monitored using the small pop-up window that automatically opens at login.
Operator management: My Wi-Fi Service is a system that supports access via various operators who can be either Standard (routine operations only) or Administrator (all operations admitted).
Cash management: a series of functions for complete cash management are available. Each economic transaction (top-up, balance, renewal, etc.) performed by operators are automatically recorded by the program.
Receipts: the software can automatically generate and print a fully customizable receipt after each sales transaction.
Session analyses: the system logs all navigation sessions for each single location.
Statistics: My Wi-Fi Service includes powerful statistic functions to analyze hotspot operations and profitability.