
Economic and Use Statistics

My Wi-Fi Service archive contains a large quantity of data whose statistical analyses are a huge help in managing your business.

Economic and Use Statistics

Mainly three pieces of information are necessary to compose a statistical analysis:

Period to consider

Allows you to set the historic period on which the statistics will be based. It is possible to specify this period by choosing from those pre-set or arbitrarily specify the start and end dates for the historic interval.

Statistics type

Allows you to choose the type of data to be analyzed by choosing from the following items:

  • Use Statistics: hours of use, accesses, new customer registration.
  • Economic Statistics: total Revenue, for net users, refills, for selling subscriptions, selling tickets and prepaid recharges.

Data grouping

The data processes can be grouped in different ways:

  • Months : the data are displayed month by month. For example, if you choose to analyse the number of hours of use over the last six months, the total hours will be displayed for each of these months.
  • Days: as above, however it displays the totals for each day of the period to analyse.
  • Months of the year: analyzes the data by grouping them according to the twelve months of the year.
  • Days of the Week : analyses the data based on the seven days of the week. In this way, for example, you can understand the days of the week with the most navigation hours.
  • Hours of the day: as above, however it displays the 24 hours of the day. Useful to know the busiest hours for the premises.